Did you know that we produce the SafetyPro and then we wear it?
Yes, it is true! 100% of our workforce have been wearing SafetyPro since the day it was born.
For this reason, we decided to make a short study where we can understand:
How much do our workers walk with the shoes on?
What’s the service life of one pair?
Why/ how are they comfortable?
How do all of these characteristics improve their productivity?
So, keep reading this article to know all the answers to these questions.

The SafetyPro line was born in 2017. When we started the development process for this brand, what we had in mind was to create safety leather footwear for some industries – such as construction, food processing, etc – that could reach big and small markets with an attractive price and at the same time that it is made in Portugal. So, we knew that it was a big challenge we were taking, knowing that we started as a wellington boots brand.
We took the risk, and here we are today! With more than 1000 clients worldwide choosing to wear SafetyPro every single day on their work journey. But maybe you didn’t know that our team wears them!
The Dikamar team is very proud to produce every single pair of SafetyPro and then, wear them!
In the recent study we made, we could determine the following facts:
An average of 3.500 steps per work journey: to verify this, five workers wore a smartwatch per their eight hours of work. We did this process for 20 days (5 different workers per day) for testing their steps, heartbeats, breathing, stress... After the ‘’test drive’’, we figured out that the average number of footsteps taken per day was 3.500 per worker (2.8 Km average). Some of them make more – up to 7000 steps- and some others make less - with a minimum of 2000 steps per workday.
A service life average of 1,5 years: After studying the results of the footsteps test, we took a look at the PPE register to see how many times our workers requested a new pair of SafetyPro. The average was a year and a half. To reach this service life, most of our workers have shoe maintenance, cleaning them regularly. This service life may vary depending on the tasks performed by each worker, the way they walk and the maintenance they give to the shoe.
8.5 out of 10 in comfort: How do we know this? Due to a survey, we spread all around the company asking questions like: How tired do your feet feel after labour?; are you used to wearing safety shoes?; Are they heavy?; Have you ever fallen while wearing them?... After analyzing the survey, we found out that 20% of our workers had never worn safety shoes before, therefore it took them a while to get used to the shoe and the toe cap. 10% of them, said that the shoes were uncomfortable at the first two weeks, then the shoe moulds to your feet, so it gets comfortable. These were the reasons why we didn’t reach 10/10.
100% Safety: on the survey, we also asked our employees about work accidents. Some of them almost lived one, but thanks to their footwear, they didn’t have to worry about a thing.
All of our workers prefer to wear what they produce: Due to care, quality and safety, we are required to wear safety footwear (among others PPE). Although they could work with any safety shoe on the market, they choose SafetyPro. Why? Most of the responses were related to all the points mentioned above and because they trust in wearing something that has been certified and made by them.
After analyzing the data collected by the survey, the test and later on interviewing some personnel, we concluded that while our workers wear SafetyPro they:
Improve their health by taking 3.500 steps per day.
Avoided 100% of work accidents related to feet.
Improve their activity while increasing production due to safety and comfort.
Feel proud to wear what they make.
What type of SafetyPro do our workers wear?

We are very proud of what we have accomplished as a team, but we are even prouder to keep our feet in action with the products we made, SafetyPro.
*Disclaimer: This article was written according to a study carried out in our company. The results may vary depending on work conditions, physical activity, weather conditions, shoe maintenance, etc. Dikamar does not take responsibility if different results take place.